Jailer Movie 480p 720p 1080p HD 4K

Rajinikanth plays a retired cop named Muthuvel Pandian, who works as a jailer in a prison. He has a son, Arjun, who is also a police officer, and a grandson, whom he loves dearly. One day, a gang of criminals tries to break into the prison to rescue their leader, who is a notorious terrorist. Muthuvel Pandian faces them with courage and determination, but he also suffers from a rare disease that makes him act like a kitten or a tiger at random times. The film is a black comedy-action thriller that showcases Rajinikanth’s charisma and style in various situations.

movie Info

movie Name Jailer
Release Year 2023
Language Hindi
Subtitles Jailer Movie 480p 720p 1080p HD 4K
Quality 720p + 1080p + 2160p
Size 300MB || 750MB || 1.6GB
Format MKV


Rajinikanth plays a retired cop named Muthuvel Pandian, who works as a jailer in a prison. He has a son, Arjun, who is also a police officer, and a grandson, whom he loves dearly. One day, a gang of criminals tries to break into the prison to rescue their leader, who is a notorious terrorist. Muthuvel Pandian faces them with courage and determination, but he also suffers from a rare disease that makes him act like a kitten or a tiger at random times. The film is a black comedy-action thriller that showcases Rajinikanth’s charisma and style in various situations.

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[⇓ Now Available In Hindi ORG With DD 5.1 Audio ⇓]

Jailer Movie 480p 720p 1080p HD 4K

Winding Up ❤️

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